87520 VEYRAC
05 55 03 16 71
15 kilometers from Limoges
15 kilometers from Saint Junien
5 kilometers from Oradour sur Glane
Adress for GPS ( tomtom et autres.....)
town : Veyrac
Postal code: 87520
road: Ebourliat
Position: E1.07654 ° ...... N: 45.89614° .......232°
from Limoges
Take the RN141 direction Angoulême
Exit 64 direction Oradour sur Glane
On the traffic circle des 5 routes 4th exit
Follow the signs
OR :
Exit 65 Saint Victurnien
A La Barre
Follow signs Feeriland
From Angoulême
After Saint Junien continue on the N141 direction Limoges
Exit La Barre
Follow signs Feeriland
From Oradour Sur Glane
Take the D9 direction Limoges
On the traffic circle des cinq-routes 1st exit direction La Barre